What is the schedule of implementation for the 2025 Restated Plan and accompanying Employer Participation Agreements?

2025 Restatement Schedule

Each participating employer will need to adopt a new Employer Participation Agreement (EPA) by December 31, 2024. The 2025 Employer Participation Agreement will clearly summarize all employer responsibilities and options (e.g., employer contribution, employer match, etc.). The participating employer must agree to comply with all the provisions of the restated Plan and their signed EPA.

In early Fall, we will send: 
The new Plan will be implemented on January 1, 2025. Participating employers choosing not to adopt the restated Plan should submit a request to terminate from the Plan by December 31, 2024. Participating Employers that do not either submit a new 2025 agreement or provide written notice of discontinuance prior to December 31, 2024 will be deemed to have consented to the change in duties or liabilities and will be responsible for contributions per their 2014 Participation Agreement elections.   

Please direct any questions related to this restatement process to RetirementPlan@uua.org. We welcome your questions and comments as we work to improve the UU Org Retirement Plan for the benefit of all current and future participants.